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Joy of Friendship June 4, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — bambirogers @ 12:40 PM
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Today Jayden is having a friend over to play. I love listening to Jayden and Logan play. Their conversions are so precious, and they truly have an amazing friendship. Neither has to entertain each other, they don’t have to play together, and they work out their own disagreements. Watching and listening to them I appreciate the joy of their friendship and love for each other.

We had to take our car to the shop for repairs, and Jayden first question is “does Logan get to come?” 🙂 Of course I tell him and we load up.

They both listened very well as we changed cars 3 times!! Once we got the actual rent-a-car, I felt they earned a trip to McDs.

At McDs, they quickly ate their nuggets because both were just dying to hit the playground! Aww!!! The joys of being young!


Children are a precious gift from God. I love seeing the world thru their eyes. The trust and faith they have in one another is amazing! I pray that that same faith and trust will be with them throughout their lives!!



My dear friend â€¦ May 22, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — bambirogers @ 10:12 PM
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On Monday morning, I found out a long time friend’s husband was killed in Afghanistan. I haven’t talked to her in a while but some friendships continue with words. Please pray for her as she tries to understand why this has happened to her and her family. She has a young baby girl and two step-children. Although I can’t understand God’s plan and why He takes some when it seems why too early, I have to trust that He is watching over my friend. I pray for her to lean towards our Heavenly Father for comfort and understanding!!

Ft Sill Heroes

Please God help my dear friend find comfort during this time of hurting. Please help her seek You and not be afraid to ask for help. Let her know she had many loved ones that are here for her. Please always let her remember that her husband was an American Hero. I ask this in Your Name. Amen.